Four pictures representing ways to donate

Volunteer / Donate


You Can Help VTC Enterprises
Achieve Its Mission
“To assist youth and adults with disabilities or other limitations in choosing and achieving their life goals”

Your tax deductible donation helps VTC provide the essential items needed for our services. 
Your donation, whatever the amount, can make a difference. 
Learn more about the tax benefits of giving…

Donate By Mail
Click on the Donate By Mail link above for a donation form. Print and complete the form, then, simply mail it to VTC Enterprises.

Secure Online Donation
You can now donate to VTC Enterprises quickly, easily and securely online with your credit or debit card. You will receive payment confirmation via email.

Secure Online Donation In Honor or in Memory of Someone
Donate online to honor someone special with a tribute or remember a lost loved one with a memorial gift. We will send an acknowledgment of your gift to the recipient or family. You can donate to VTC Enterprises quickly, easily and securely online with your credit or debit card.

Donate to the VTC Thrift Store
Your donations of clothing, shoes, small appliances, toys, and other household items to our thrift store helps support VTC services.   The thrift store not only has great bargains, it also serves as an employment opportunity for individuals with physical and intellectual disabilities.

Business Contracting
VTC Enterprises offers top quality product and service solutions to community businesses and government agencies, while creating meaningful jobs for people with disabilities.

VTC Enterprises Form 990
Guidestar provides a snapshot of the nonprofit’s financial health. It provides financial information about the organization’s financial condition, about its financial strength or weakness and about such things as the sources of its income.

three pictures of individuals enjoying outdoors and leisure time at restaurant


Volunteer your time in one of our work or training areas.  Contact our volunteer coordinator for more information on volunteering opportunities.

Four pictures of VTC individuals at various work sties


Consider outsourcing your labor needs to VTC Enterprises specially trained staff and dependable, skilled workers.  Our full range of services and capabilities are designed to support our customer’s needs by saving them time, lowering costs and ensuring high quality results.  As a single-source full solution provider, we save you time and money with a full range of flexible services that match your needs, including printing, packaging, assembly, and delivery. Whether you are a small manufacturer or large corporation, VTC Enterprises has the expertise you require for just-in-time deliveries and budget-friendly solutions.